Chief InvestigatorMelodie’s research focuses on the ecology and conservation of populations and communities. Her interests extend from quantifying and modeling the abundance ..... Read more herePostdoctoral Research FellowAmong the major contributions from this work was a new method to predict the geometric effects of subdivision based on spatial sampling theory..... Read more hereAffiliated ResearcherDavid’s research focuses on understanding the impacts of environmental change on biodiversity. This work has included assessing the potential impacts of climate change across protected area networks, evaluating the efficacy .... Read more hereAffiliated ResearcherCath’s PhD research continues her passion of working to increase our knowledge about threatened species and their associated threatening processes to enable appropriate conservation management. Cath will focus on the critically endangered Azorella macquariensis, an endemic .... Read more herePostdoctoral Research FellowDavid is working on employing a biodiversity informatics approach to provide an improved spatio-temporal characterization of the status and trends in Antarctic biodiversity .... Read more herePhD CandidateSaxbee is a graduate of Monash University’s Bachelor of Science Advanced – Global Challenges in ecology and conservation biology. He received first class honours for investigating the potential threat environmental arsenic contamination poses to Australian marsupial populations. - Read more hereResearch AssistantMeg is working as Melodie McGeoch’s research assistant, helping with lab management, social media management, and research into climate change and climate change impacts on several of the sub-Antarctic Islands, as a part of Theme 2 of the ARC funded Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF)... Read more herePhD CandidateSam’s PhD project is part of the ARC funded Securing Antarctica’s Environmental Future (SAEF) Special Research Initiative and is focused on developing a better understanding of the impact that climate change will have on the vascular flora of the sub-Antarctic islands..... Read more here