Research in the McGeoch Group focuses on the ecology and conservation of populations, communities and landscapes.
We use plant and animal populations and communities to examine the response of biodiversity to changing environments, including the dynamics of biological invasions. Our work ranges from quantifying and modelling the abundance and distribution of species, to examining the consequences of global change for protected areas. This research frequently feeds into environmental policy and management.
The golden thread that weaves its way through everything we do is the relationship and dynamics between individuals, species and objects in space, and how best to use this information in biodiversity conservation.
Below you will find the four key themes that underpin the research we do.
Spatial ecology
Understanding the fundamental properties of the distribution and abundance of species and communities has many potential benefits for applied ecology….
Biological Invasion
Protected areas (parks) are not immune to being invaded by alien plants and animals, but the ecological risks can be high when this happens…..
Biodiversity Monitoring and Reporting
Species and communities have long been measured for the purpose of assessing the broader condition of habitats or environments. More recently bioindicator systems….
Global Change Impacts on Biodiversity
Climate change impacts on biodiversity are spatially variable and often synergistic with other change drivers, including invasive species….